Ultimately motor insurance is about two things: protecting you legally in the event of damage or loss claims resulting from your use of the vehicle, and protecting the investment made in purchasing the vehicle. |
In effect, the insurance certificate you receive when taking out a policy is a contract that insulates you from massive legal expenses or accident repair bills. But, as any vehicle owner will agree, not all drivers are equal when it comes to motor insurance. Where they differ is in the risk they represent in the eyes of their insurance company.
There are a number of factors that influence the potential risk and therefore the cost of the premium demanded. The main ones are:
- your age, sex and driving experience
- your occupation
- the type of vehicle, its age and condition
- your proposed use of the vehicle
- your location and local car crime trend
- the security measures fitted to the vehicle
Some of these factors cannot be altered. And, despite the current era of political correctness, insurance companies still generalise, backed to an extent by statistics, about drivers and the likelihood of a claim being made by them.
Their received wisdom - at the risk of stereo-typing motor insurance companies - is that premium-wise:
- women are safer drivers than men;
- young male drivers under 25 are to be almost priced off the road; and
- senior citizens are to be hammered on a rising scale
Please Contact Us today to lean more about Auto and Motor Insurance coverage.